What is DHCP and DNS ?? DHCP: Dynamic Host Control Protocol It's a protocol used to assign IP addresses dynamically instead of assigning static ip's to each. The process involves a process called DORA process. D - Discover O - Offer R - Request A - Acknowledgement D - Discover: Host (PC, printer, laptop, Access systems..etc, IOT) sends a UDP broadcast to the server. Packet from Host --> server O - Offer: The server offers a Unique IP address to the host in response to the Broadcast. Packet from server --> Host R - Request: The host requests for the IP address offered by the server. Packet from Host --> server A - Acknowledgement: The server sends a acknowledgement packet along with details of IP address, Subnet mask, gateway, Dns server1 and Dns server 2. Packet from Server --> Host DNS: Domain Name Server. As we humans are uniquely identified by our names, Every web...