Converting cisco 1852 AP to controller (Mobility express)
Pre requisites:
1.1852 AP
2.Mobilty express image
3.Mobility express update image
4.TFTP server
5.DHCP server
- Connect the 1852 AP in network which have DHCP server.
- Your PC should be in same network and reachability should be there. (between PC and AP)
Step-2: Install the ME image
- Open the tftp server and start it.
- Keep the Mobility express image (30MB) in TFTP-Root directory.
- go to AP console and issue the below commands:
- logging console disable //optional prevents from bothering up with console logging messages
- debug capwap console cli
- ap-type mobility-express tftp://x.x.x.x/<image>.tar
With the above commands, We have downloaded the ME image into the AP. It Will automatically reboots waits until it does! Wait 10 - 15 Min.
Until you see
*************Don't enter anything in the console now.***************
Step-3: Access the controller
- Now, Check in your Wi-Fi you will find a SSID: Cisco Air Provision
- Connect to it with password "password"
- after connected wait for 2 Min and open a brwoser:
- Type in
- Fill in the details properly and you are done.
Step-4: Update the Image (mandatory)
- After entering management IP details, SSID's.etc Go to management --> software update
- Give your PC IP in host address.
- Extract the Update Image (140 MB file) and keep it in your TFTP server and hit download now.
That's It you are done.