OTRS Installation!!!


  1. OTRS:   OTRS, an initial-ism for Open-source Ticket Request System, is a free and open-source trouble ticket system software package that a company, organization, or other entity can use to assign tickets to incoming queries and track further communications about them.
 Key features:

  • Adding a note to the logged ticket.
  • Assigning/modifying priority for your logged ticket.
  • Escalating tickets.
  • Statistics of the tool.
  • Excellent GUI 
      Operating system  :  Oracle linux (recommended due to its less dependencies)
            IP ADDRESS          :
      SERVER NAME     :   server.root.local


     1. Add Host ip address in /etc/hosts
     2. Install epel repo.
     3. Install required packages.


  You must be "root" for executing these commands.

  Open /etc/hosts 

  #vi /etc/hosts

  add the following line       server.root.local   server

  Save the file.
  Now Restart the machine. 


 1. Click here to download the epel repo, Open with Installer and install the package.
 2. If you fail to install the package through the above step, execute the below lines.
#cd /etc 
#wget http://epel.mirror.net.in/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
#rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
#yum install bugzilla
#yum install --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo=epel bugzilla


Login as root.
#yum install mysql-server

#yum install mysql-server (Pres 'Y' if prompted in the process)

#service mysqld start
#chkconfig mysqld on 

( in the process you will be prompted for "Y/N" always press "Y")

 Enter the root password on prompt
New password: -----> Enter the new password
Re-enter new password: -----> Enter password again
Password updated successfully! Reloading privilege tables..
... Success!

Tip:To save the file anywhere mentioned in this Post
1.Press "esc"
2.Type :wq!
3.Press Enter

Edit the file /etc/my.cnf

#vi /etc/my.cnf

Add the following lines under mysqld section


Save the file.

Now restart Mysql server Using the below command:

#service mysqld restart

Now install "httpd" service:

#yum install httpd
#service httpd start
#chkconfig httpd on

Now Edit file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf using below command:

To avoid any mis configuration issues copy the conf file to conf.bak with below commands.

#cp /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.bak

#vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

In the file make the changes as below.

Tip: You can search in linux by using "/"
To search for "server" use "/server" in the file without pressing "insert button".

ServeAdmin root@server.local

Now restart the httpd service.

#service httpd restart

Now Edit file /etc/sysconfig/iptables

#vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables

add the followng line:

-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

Save the file.

Now restart the IP tables with below command:

#service ip tables restart

Now edit the Selinux file:

#vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux

Set the value of selinux to disabled


save the file and Reboot system

                       DOWNLOADING OTRS

You can download from official site for newer versions. Click Here for official site

To download & install follow the commands below.

#wget https://www.otrs.com/download-thank-you/thank-you-downloading-otrs-software/?download=/RPMS/rhel/7/otrs-4.0.9-02.noarch.rpm

#yum install otrs-3.3.6-01.noarch.rpm

The above commands will install OTRS into your system.

Now restart the httpd service.

#service httpd restart

To install the missing packages in the OTRS execute the following commands.

#yum install "perl(DBD::ODBC)" "perl(DBD::Oracle)" "perl(DBD::Pg)" "perl(Encode::HanExtra)" "perl(GD)" "perl(GD::Text)" "perl(GD::Graph)" "perl(JSON::XS)" "perl(Mail::IMAPClient)" "perl(PDF::API2)" "perl(Text::CSV_XS)" "perl(YAML::XS)"

Now test whether all the modules were installed correctly or not.


You will find the output like this.

o Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt.......ok (v0.009) 
o Crypt::SSLeay....................ok (v0.57) 
o Date::Format.....................ok (v2.22) 
o DBI..............................ok (v1.609) 
o DBD::mysql.......................ok (v4.013)
o DBD::ODBC........................ok (v1.48)
o DBD::Oracle......................Not installed! (optional - Required to connect to a Oracle database.) 
o DBD::Pg..........................ok (v2.15.1) 
o Encode::HanExtra.................ok (v0.23) 
o GD...............................ok (v2.44) 
o GD::Text.......................ok (v0.86) 
o GD::Graph......................ok (v1.44) 
o IO::Socket::SSL..................ok (v1.31) 
o JSON::XS.........................ok (v2.27) 
o List::Util::XS...................ok (v1.21) 
o LWP::UserAgent...................ok (v6.05) 
o Mail::IMAPClient.................ok (v3.34) 
o IO::Socket::SSL................ok (v1.31) 
o ModPerl::Util....................ok (v2.000004) 
o Net::DNS.........................ok (v0.65) 
o Net::LDAP........................ok (v0.40) 
o Net::SSL.........................ok (v2.84) 
o PDF::API2........................ok (v2.019) 
o Compress::Zlib.................ok (v2.021) 
o Text::CSV_XS.....................ok (v0.85) 
o Time::HiRes......................ok (v1.9721) 
o XML::Parser......................ok (v2.36) 
o YAML::XS.........................ok (v0.38)

Now you are all set to go. Open the browser and type http://ip-address/otrs/installer.pl

1.Click next
2.Accept the license agreement
3.Select mysql --> install type  create new database for OTRS.
4.Enter the Mysql root username and password and click on check database settings.
5.if the database settings were found correct the new database is created. click Next
6.Click  Next
7.In the 3rd windows give your desired details in system FQDN, email and organization. Keep others as it is.
8.Click Next.
9.Give your mail server details in the next window if you have them, you faced any error we will discuss about it in the next Post. :)
10.Click on skip this step.


To access OTRS:



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